Saturday, June 12, 2010

Things Found in the Tokyo Airport

Yay Asians!

Yes, they have a full (and amazing looking) sushi bar in the airport. No, I didn't have any. Thanks to the nasty airplane food, 12 hours of slight motion sickness, and prospect of being on a plane for 7 more hours, any and all food intake was off limits.
However, in case you needed more sushi, they also have USBs in sushi form (or is it sushi in USB form?)
In America, we have pet rocks. In Japan, they have pet bottles. I don't judge.
In America we have green tea chocolate chip cookies. Really?
Whitenings. Ways to make your skin look like you haven't seen the light of day for years. Dracula will have nothing on you. Bring on the bleach.
Ah, fine Japanese...whiskey?!? Is it just me, or does this seem wrong? I was very tempted to try it (yes, they have alcohol tastings in the airport!), but as previously mentioned, the current state of my stomach made that not really an option.
I also learned that apparently Japan is big on KitKats. Not just that, but they come in all kinds of flavors...
like Cherry bossom (ok, I'm admittedly confused on this one, it says cherry, which makes sense, but someone translated it "cherry flowers" for me, which matches the picture, but sounds less like food)
..and green tea! Ok, so I bought one of these and ate it later. Amazing! (tastes a lot like green tea ice cream if you've ever had that). And last but not least...

Wasabi flavored kitkats?!?!?! Yeah....No, I didn't try it. Only because it came in 10 packs and I wasn't convinced I could eat that many. Hopefully, if I stop by Tokyo on the way home, I'll pick some up and share =)


  1. You really should have bought some. It was the last leg of your flight and I'm not sure if I can send you any Jack to Singapore.

  2. Crazy foreign candy is the best!

    (this is Melissa, by the way)

  3. Oh, don't get me wrong, I bought some Johnnie Walker (won out against Jack because it was in a plastic bottle). It was just the Asian stuff I was scared of. I figured if Japanese Whiskey was anything like Chinese beer, it would not be ingestible.
