Saturday, June 12, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane (or at least trying to)

So the mishaps began before I even left. Apparently they misspelled my name on my plane ticket. Which apparently meant I couldn't go on my flight. Which really sucked, because I was supposed to go to Tokyo for a few days on a stop over. But because I had to get a new flight so last minute, the stop over didn't work out. Long story. Short version is that I hopped a plane a few days later, and only got to stay in Tokyo for 2 hours. Which was a ridiculous tease.

My flight from Chicago to Tokyo was 12 hours (not counting the 1:30 hr flight to Chicago, and the 2 hour layover there). Which is a really long time for me to sit still. Happily, I managed to get the first row of seats in economy, behind the bathrooms. Definitely recommend it. Lots of leg room (not that I need it) and great views of the TV. Really helps with not feeling claustrophobic/ stir crazy.

I sat next to a woman with a little 6 month old. Potentially torturous, right? I thought so too. But actually it was awesome. I dunno why, but little kids love me. Not that older kids dislike me. But seriously, to toddlers, I'm like catnip. His poor mom had been traveling alone with him since 2am, and was falling asleep trying to hold him, so I volunteered to take care of him. She was understandably skeptical, but exhaustion won out in the end. She was shocked when he was content as could be on my lap. Didn't cry once. I even got him to eat (Which apparently she hadn't managed). Call me the baby whisperer. She asked if I had kids. I said no. She said, "I think you're ready for them. You're really good at that." Yeah... she clearly doesn't know me.

Anyway, I totally fell in love with the kid and he made the otherwise painful trip wonderful. On a last note, when the other woman next to me asked his name (in Chinese), his mom said "neyo neyo", so I called him that too (I was rather proud of myself for being able to eavesdrop in Mandarin). Near the end of the flight however, I learned that his American name is James. =)