Saturday, July 21, 2012

i really cant stay....but baby its cold outside

Today was the last day of the conference and I was planning on packing up and heading back to cape town this afternoon. But instead I ended up being lazy and did what I have only done maybe 3 times in my last 8 years of backpacking...I spent the day staying in. No I'm not sick and /or dying. Which is usually the only viable excuse for staying in on a trip.. .maybe I'm just getting old...but it just didn't seem worth it to leave the hostel. It was freezing out and pouring rain so all outdoor activities were impossible. And I 'd managed to lose my jacket the night before. And I got a very late start on the day since I was out celebrating until 3am. And by the time I got into Capetown things would be starting to close and it would be getting dark. And everyone else in my dorm checked out so I actually have the place to myself-a rarity in these backpackers places. Its actually been a lovely lazy day. Eating my leftovers and drinking tea and catching up on my junk-novel reading (wholly shit Dan Brown is an awful writer. Is it just me, or has he gotten worse? Granted I haven't read him in like 8 years, but I swear his other books weren't as painful as this Lost Symbol bullshit). This is the first time i've backpacked during the winter and there are definitely some factors that I haven't had to deal with before. Obviously the cold -but more than that, the fact that so much gets canceled /called off because of the weather. Much of the backpackery stuff I enjoy is totally weather dependent. And while it sucks to get caught in the rain in the summer, in winter bad weather means places straight up close. It also never occurred to me how much less you get to do in a day. Most sightseeing is dependent on daylight. Right now daylight is only from about 8 am to 6 pm in south Africa. Which means a lot less sightseeing per day. And since its really not safe after dark, there's not much to do after sightseeing either. Also, my backpack is so much heavier /fuller with a sweater or two in it :( Anyway. Resting up today and back to backpacking tomorrow.

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